
There isn't a current theme for this blog as yet, it's more of a generic "i've got an opinion and I want to share it" blog I guess.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. If not, then let me know why!


Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Expectations - Not Great

Trauma often causes me to want to write. Although you might be thinking “Oh Gosh, something dramatic has happened” it really hasn’t. Traumas come in all shapes and sizes and are personal to you. I have seen some dramatic reactions to the most simple of things over the years; breaking a nail, realising that something’s been forgotten... Everything is personal to you. I don’t wish to share my trauma but more rant about expectations.

Expectations – so everyone has them. They are kind of necessary otherwise you don’t know what you’re doing or where your going. But. Yes, but, these expectations must be clearly labelled. Without this outline of said expectations there is a little point to them. I have set expectations of people all the time. I hope they know where they stand, if they don’t then I’m failing at letting them know where they should be. However, if I were to switch the boundaries around that is unfair on them and poor show by me. The worst scenario, my scenario relating to today, is that of expectations which change for a moment in time. I follow the rules and they shift them and then I’m the one finding myself in trouble. Shouldn’t it be them? Of course not... that would make things fairer in life. There’s one sure thing in life, it ain’t fair!

So why complain? Well, if your voice isn’t heard then what is the point of having it. Lesson for the day: be clear with what you expect otherwise you might find that you don’t get it.

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